Don't Catch Feelings In 2018

1. If You Do not have Your Life Figured Out Yet

2018 is here, and if you felt like you wasted your time in 2017, then you should continue reading. This year people have already decided what they want to do. Whether or not you will follow through with them is dependent on your motives and values. A wise move for most people today would be to not catch feelings for someone unless you are serious. If you are not serious about a relationship, then you are wasting your time, and I would recommend you to invest it in self-development. Don’t catch feelings for someone if you do not have your life planned out. Don’t invest your time in someone else when you have problems that you haven’t solved in 2017. If you are already in a relationship, then continue to do whatever it takes to make it work.

2. If You Like To Play Games

We live in a generation where people like to play games with other people, and I am not talking about video games. Playing games with other people’s emotions is not okay. We live in a society where men have to chase after women. I guess you can say that women are the gatekeeper in the relationship. She has the power and decides whom she wants to start or continue the relationship. Don’t play mind games with people you care. When you try to play someone else, you’ll end up playing yourself. They will grow wiser, and you will stay in the same miserable place where you started. Don’t get into a relationship without trust. It is like having a cellphone with no sim card, and all you can do is play games. When you get into a relationship, the goal is long-term. If you have any doubts about any relationship, then you already have your answer. Fighting for someone you love is one thing, but fighting over someone is another thing.

If You Think You Do Not Have Feelings

I know some of you are hard-headed and think you can do whatever you want. If you think you cannot catch feelings if you do not have any feelings, then you are delusional. Spend enough time with someone every day and constantly talk to one another then you will catch feelings and will get attached. If you do not want to catch feelings cut off any connection with the person you are interacting with before it is too late. Once you start catching feelings, there’s no going back.